To find how more about how to get involved contact Amber Mausling at:

208.866.5236 | [email protected]


2PM – 6PM

#SMASHED is an event founded on the goal of encouraging women to push past the fear and embrace the reality that early detection for breast cancer can save a life. Our hope is to raise enough money to fund at least 100 mammograms for underinsured or uninsured individuals, raise awareness and provide resources.

This year, #SMASHED is proud to announce its partnership with Flock Cancer Idaho, a nonprofit organization that promotes awareness about breast cancer and focuses on fundraising for breast cancer fighters, survivors, families, and programs. Together, #SMASHED and Flock Cancer Idaho aim to amplify awareness campaigns, expand fundraising initiatives, and enhance support programs for individuals and families affected by breast cancer.


Help Us Reach Our

$50,000 Goal

By supporting #SMASHED through your donations, sponsorships, and contributions, you are playing a vital role in raising awareness about breast cancer and providing resources to those who need it most. Together, we can make a significant impact in promoting early detection and saving lives. Thank you for your generosity and support!

To find how more about how to get involved contact:

Amber Mausling | 208.866.5236 | [email protected]

We’re asking for:

  • Cash Donations for sponsorships or donation items for a raffle

  • Free food/drink at the event.

  • Item(s) for a bingo card scavenger hunt.