Flock Cancer Idaho is dedicated to using its voice and influence to provide essential resources for breast cancer awareness and support. Every dollar we raise directly benefits local fighters, survivors, families, and programs. We are honored to partner with local organizations that offer support to those affected by breast cancer, and we strive to raise awareness about the importance of early detection, access to screenings, and diagnostic services. With no paid staff, 100% of the funds we raise stay in our community, helping those in need.


Flock Cancer’s 3rd year success resulted in $100k donated to local and regional support programs. Flock Cancer Idaho Presents $100,000 to Three Cancer Organizations


Flock Cancer’s second year saw local sponsors and the community come together to elevate the support for local programs and provide donations of $65k directly to those organizations. Idaho 6 News – Flock Cancer raises $65K for local breast cancer support groups


Flock Cancer’s inaugural year saw the local community all come together to celebrate survivors and their families and, through grassroots donations, raised over $25k. Idaho 6 News – Flock Cancer Walk raises over $25k for Boise YMCA Oncology Recovery Program